It won’t have escaped your notice that it’s a bit warm in the UAE at the moment. Most of us spend our summers darting from one air-conditioned building to another to try and stay as cool as possible.

You may have also noticed that your electricity bill is higher during the summer, too. Air conditioning units use a lot of power, and the cooler you set the temperature, the more power they use. This can cost you hundreds of Dirhams each year.

However, one cunning YouTube user has come up with a clever way of making a home-made air-conditioner, which only requires a small amount of electricity to run – how you choose to power it is up to you, but either way the financial savings will be worth it.

Watch the video above to learn how it’s done.

What you’ll need

1. Drill
2. Stanley knife or jigsaw
3. Hole cutter (size should match PVC pipi)
4. PVC pipe, cut into three - 1.5” internal diameter (size should match hole cutter)
5. 5 gallon bucket
6. Liner bucket that should fit inside the 5 gallon
7. Electric fan
8. Ice