Khyati Saxena Eye-sore The reader came across this damaged garbage bin in the Al Nahda area of Sharjah. Image Credit: Khyati Saxena


I want to raise a concern about broken garbage bins in the Al Nahda area of Sharjah. A few days ago, I was passing through a street and I came across this scene (as seen in photograph). The garbage bin was lying on its side and its base had a gaping hole in it.

This not only spoils the beauty of the surrounding area, but also shows that the garbage bins are not being taken care of. Another bin in the area had a leakage and some liquid was dripping out of it and was spreading on the road and giving off an awful smell.

We should always take care to keep our city and surroundings clean. Such garbage bins should be immediately removed from the spot and new ones should be put in their place. The concerned authorities should take the necessary action to clear up this area as soon as possible.

The reader is a pupil based in Sharjah.

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