Abu Dhabi: The new online passport renewal service for Emiratis has seen a significant increase in users, the Ministry of Interior announced today.

The ministry urged citizens to respect the programme’s requirements, which is compatible with iOs, Android, Blackberry and Windows Mobile operating systems, especially when uploading photographs, to avoid any delays in their application.

Lieutenant Colonel Faisal Mohammad Al Shimmari, CEO of the Smart Government Programme at the Ministry of Interior, explained the photographs must comply with the requirements set by the Naturalisation, Residency and Ports Sector. “The photo must be current, taken on a white background; with face looking directly at the camera and not tilted in any direction. Applicants must remember to avoid wearing glare glasses or coloured contact lenses when taking the photo,”

The official also said “women should also avoid excessive makeup, and photos must not be digitally enhanced or altered to change appearance in any way”. Lieutenant Colonel Al Shimmari confirmed that work was going well to develop all services and citizens’ transactions electronically or through smart applications.