Dubai: For anyone wanting to make their opinion clear about a restaurant or any consumer facing business, they just need to shout into an app. The JustShouts app allows user reviews in their own voice.

“When compared to the traditional way of posting reviews, using voice added much more value since it accurately reflects the emotion and tone of the reviewer,” the app’s founders said in a statement. “For example, reading a line that says “Burger is great” compared to listening to the same line by a reviewer creates a different experience all together.

“Also, where typing or posting that perfect picture can take up to 10—15 minutes, voice reviews are just 20 seconds, concise and to the point.”

The app, founded by Mohammad Mansour and Navin Lalwani, has a team of curators to monitor the shouts. Additionally users can flag any inappropriate shouts so they are highlighted for audit.

Meanwhile, beta testing of a new component is going on where each spoken word is converted into text and audited automatically.

“Introducing voice recognition opens a whole new world of predictive analysis which can add huge benefits to business owners,” the statement added.

“JustShouts has registered 50 business locations in less than a month of the release. We turned down an initial acquisition offer from investors since we wanted all the freedom to build it for the long run.”