Abu Dhabi : Richard Jones, Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, said the World Future Energy Summit is establishing itself as a major forum for addressing urgent issues.

Jones will discuss implications of the UN Copenhagen meeting on climate change at the summit.

Jones went on to say that holding such a conference and exhibition in the Gulf shows that both energy exporters and consumers face common challenges in achieving sustainable energy strategies.

Jones will join world leaders discussing the implications of the recent UN Climate Change Summit in Copenhagen in a session titled "What now, after Copenhagen?", which will take place on January 19, the second day of the summit.

Jones is a former American diplomat with 30 years of diplomatic and policy experience on issues including trade and energy security.

Jones said: "The International Energy Agency is an intergovernmental organisation which has established itself as one of the most highly respected policy advisory bodies in the energy sector.

"The organisation comprises 28 member countries with a broad mandate to promote the ‘Three E's' of balanced energy policy-making: energy security, economic development and environmental protection."