 Consumer prices in the emirate of Dubai rose 3 per cent on average in October compared to the same month a year ago, Dubai Statistics Centre (DSC) said on Monday.

The rise in CPI (consumer price index) was due to the increase in prices of the housing, water, electricity and gas group by 22 per cent, furniture and household goods by 15 per cent, transport by 14 per cent and hotels and restaurants by 1 per cent.

The DSC said group whose priced decreased were food and soft drinks (44 per cent), miscellaneous goods and services (10 per cent), communications (1%) while prices of other groups remained stable.

The DSC noted that annual average inflation of CPI surged 2.07% in October compared to the same month in 2012.
Consumer prices in Dubai surged 2.67 per cent in Dubai in November on the backdrop of rise in prices of goods and services during the month. Education, clothing and footwear and services of hotels and restaurants turned dearer during the month that pushed overall price index.

However, retail prices declined 0.12 per cent on a month-to-month basis as compared to their level in October. The recently released figures by the Dubai Statistics Centre indicates decline in prices of water, electricity, food, houses and gas.