Without question, mobile has transformed our lives, altering the world’s social and economic landscape, boosting the global economy, and supporting millions of jobs.

Mobile is becoming increasingly entrenched in our everyday lives, fundamentally changing the way that we go shopping, make payments, listen to music, access social media, watch videos, do business, and so much more. For millions of people worldwide, though, their mobile device is not seen as a luxury, but rather as a necessity.

In some cases, it can even be considered a lifeline. In emerging markets, mobile is often the only way to access the internet and to benefit from advances in remote health care, education, and financial services.

However, while mobile phone adoption continues to increase, with more than 4.7 billion unique mobile subscribers worldwide, there are still many people who do not own a mobile phone — a large proportion of these being women. In an increasingly connected world, women are unfortunately being left behind.

According to GSMA research, women are on average 14 per cent less likely to own a mobile phone than men in low- and middle-income countries, which translates into 200 million fewer women than men who own a mobile phone. This gender gap increases when we look at more transformational services, like the mobile internet and mobile money, which deliver significant digital and financial inclusion opportunities for women.

This discrepancy urgently needs to be tackled for a number of important socioeconomic reasons. Mobile phones are valued by women as a means to enhancing their lives, making them feel more autonomous and connected.

They also grant them access to new education and employment opportunities and help them save time and money. However, simply increasing mobile phone ownership does not solve the problem. Statistics indicate that even when women do own a mobile device, they are far less likely to use it for services such as mobile internet and mobile money.

The reality is that mobile phones can actively empower women, helping them feel more connected and safe by providing access to information and life-enhancing opportunities. This includes everything from the safeguarding of maternal health and birth registration to remote learning and entrepreneurship options.

Mobile is critically important for creating positive outcomes for women’s families and wider communities, meaning it’s imperative more is done to ensure financial and digital inclusion for women because when they thrive, so too does society as a whole.

How can we drive change and ensure women are very much part of the digital world in which we now live? Above all, deliberate action and targeted intervention are needed to make this a reality.

Women face many barriers to owning and using mobile phones, including cost, network quality and coverage, fear of having their mobile phones stolen or being harassed by strangers, technical literacy, and lack of confidence.

Furthermore, social norms and the disparities that exist between men and women in education and income often mean that women experience these barriers more acutely than men. To tackle this, mobile operators in these regions are employing innovative approaches.

While these and other similar measures are certainly a step in the right direction, the mobile industry, policymakers, and other key stakeholders need to work together to ensure women all over the world can realise the benefits of mobile services.

To help realise a future where there is parity for mobile phone ownership, the GSMA recently launched its Connected Women Commitment Initiative to help reduce the global mobile gender gap. Initial commitments by GSMA operator members, with over 75 million mobile internet and mobile money customers, aim to reduce the gender gap in their customer base and connect millions more women in low- and middle-income countries by 2020.

This rise in female mobile customers will help support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Through long-term, coordinated and concerted efforts among the GSMA’s operator members around the globe, we are focused on connecting millions of more women, providing access to life-changing mobile internet and mobile money services and closing the digital gender gap so that half the world’s population is no longer left behind.

The writer is Head of Connected Women, Mobile for Development, GSMA.