Seeking help: Dubai resident Nijel Dela Cruz and his wife Josie in happier times Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: A Filipino couple is seeking help to save their premature baby fighting for her life.

Nijel Dela Cruz, 29, and his wife Josie, 32, who together earn Dh8,000 per month, have exhausted all their resources to pay for treating their first-born Mikaela Luciana who arrived three months early on April 16. She was originally due in August.

They are now making an urgent plea for financial assistance after the insurance company refused to pay for costs over and above Dh250,000, the amount covered as per the infant’s policy.

“Our backs are against the wall. She is our little angel, our first born,” said Cruz who works at a fashion outlet in Dubai.

Mikaela Luciana was born “extreme pre-term” 25 weeks at Belhoul Hospital, Al Baraha after her mother Josie broke water during one of her monthly visits to her doctor. She was rushed to Zulekha Hospital after suffering medical conditions including respiratory distress syndrome, neonatal sepsis, apnea and anaemia of prematurity.

Weighing just 650 gm at birth, she is on a ventilator with a host of complications including deranged renal function, anaemia, jaundice and even a “grade I” haemorrhage of the germinal matrix. “The cost of treating her is immense. A lot has been paid by the insurance firm, but they have now stopped entertaining any bills,” said the father who has been asked by the hospital to deposit at least Dh20,000, along with blank cheques and original passports to continue treatment.

“We have knocked at the doors of several charities, but are yet to get any help,” said Josie who rejoined work earlier this week.


If you wish to help the parents write to editor@xpress4me.com