Bharat Thakur’s Artistic Yoga launched the Reduce Every Day concept last week.

The programme focuses on dynamic movement to generate heat and excessive sweating with the contraction and stretching of muscles along with intense breathing exercises and cleansing methods so the change in metabolism and internal homeostatis leads to weight loss.

“Red has been devised after three years of research. It was our dream to come out with a formula that with a beautiful exercise regime and a balanced diet will not only effect weight loss but tone up the real muscles in 90 days — and the effect will remain,” explains Bharat Thakur, who is a doctorate in exercise physiology. “In Red, we increase the heart to maximum, keeping in mind the boundaries of yoga. Once the body temperature rises, the muscles which are on fire with the movements will be programmed to go through deep impact stretching for greater weight loss and to avoid loose muscles and ugly stretch marks later.”

In the programme, each participant will undergo an analysis to check if he or she is suffering from any medical conditions or diseases. The programme will then be tailored according to his or her condition and limitations of the body, including diet charts and exercise intensity. It is also suitable for children as obesity in youngsters is only rising further, Thakur said. However, it is patterned according to the development of the child.

“Load comprises the five elements: intensity, density, duration, frequency and volume,” said Thakur. “Load here will be progressive. The focus will be more on intensity of the exercises because each session is restricted to an hour.

“In case of children, we decide the type and intensity of the asanas according to their age and growth. For example at the growing age of 7-14, we don’t allow heavy contraction of muscles but focus on stretching asanas so that growth is not retarded”.

Red sessions are for Dh850 per month. For more information and to register call 800-YOGA(9642).