Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai may soon star in a James Bond movie. The former Miss World, who is now recuperating in the Hinduja Hospital following an accident in Nashik, has been reportedly offered a role in a Bond film.

A stuntman lost control of his vehicle and knocked her off her chair as she was watching a rehearsal on the sets of the film Khaki in Nashik on Wednesday.

A hospital source said that she suffered a hairline fracture of her small toe on the left foot and is now walking with the support of a walker. "Except for the plaster cast application of her toe, her bruises have healed," said the hospital source.

It is likely that she could be discharged within a couple of days but it seems she would not be able to get back to her dancing sequences in the films for some time.

Apparently, an international coordinating agency has got in touch with her on behalf of the studio involved in James Bond movies. The agency, which had gone to Nashik to hold discussions with her, is likely to meet Aishwarya today. The offer could take the actress to new heights as she would be the first Indian actress to star in a Bond film.

The top actress has already agreed to act in two Hollywood films - Gurinder Chadha's Bride and Prejudice and director Roland Joffe's Invaders.