

There’s a fine line between simply discussing things as they are and being truthful, if not blunt. But that seemingly insignificant distinction could make all the difference in certain existing arrangements and the plans you’re exploring for the future. What seems insignificant now could prove pivotal, possibly soon or, even more perplexing, in the distant future, when you may be unable to recall what the real facts were. Stick to them now. It will make life a lot easier.

Aries March 20 – April 19

When you sidestepped discussing certain facts, it was because they’d take a lot of time and, equally, are unimportant. Or so you thought. Since then, you’ve realised these are pivotal, and ignoring them has caused serious upset. Go back over these, point by point, and make any necessary apologies to those you’ve upset.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Only days ago, you had absolutely no intention of even acknowledging, and still less discussing, certain worrying issues. From your perspective, they were yours alone to deal with. Since then, you’ve learnt you’re not alone. And, even more, you’ve realised that if asked, certain individuals can offer valuable advice.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

The time has come to do your sums. That means thinking about the practical and financial side of your life, especially your obligations. But, also, it’s worth looking into certain ideas or offers you may recently have dismissed as not really worth the bother. Look again. They’re better than you think.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Understandably, you’ve avoided even mentioning tricky issues because you feared they’d only increase the tension between certain uptight individuals. While that made sense in the past, the time has come to recognise and discuss these, ideally, frankly. Worrying as that seems, once you begin, you’ll realise how vital it is you talk things over.

Leo July 22 – August 22

Every once in a while what began as a simple difference of opinion turns into an genuine power struggle, in which if one individual wins, the other doesn’t just lose, but will be defeated. That’s the case now. This can, and should, be changed. Compromise isn’t just possible, it’s your only real option.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

You’re dealing with an individual who’ll do all they can to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. Actually, they’re expert at avoiding being blamed. Yet, it’s vital they acknowledge their role in one particularly tricky situation. Confront them with the facts, head on. It won’t be easy but it’s your only alternative.

Libra September 23 – October 22

While it’s understandable that you’ve been seeking a diplomatic solution for one particularly complicated matter, you’re better off tacking it head on. In fact, it will prove to be instructive. What you learn about the actual issue in question but, as much, about the individuals involved will more than justify the effort required.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

Over the coming week or so, you’ll finally be in a position to ask questions and get solid answers about certain matters that have been an ongoing source of concern. True, in asking those questions, you’ll have to reveal facts you’ve been keeping to yourself. Still, what you learn will be worth it.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Sooner or later you’re going to have to deal with certain tedious but pivotal facts and figures. These involve either your personal finances or business accounts or, possibly, both. While you’ve been hoping these could wait, not only is that unwise, put this off for much longer and it could be costly.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

It’s the rare Capricorn who’s comfortable revealing intimate feelings to anybody, often even to those closest. Usually, that’s fine. However, with sudden events demanding joint decisions, and those, in turn, trigging doubts, you’ve no choice but to reveal those feelings to others. You’ll be surprised to discover they know more than you think.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Be aware that although the emotionally intense Full Moon isn’t until the 28th, certain individuals are already more uptight than usual. That means they could turn minor issues into major dramas, and then expect you to get involved in resolving them. Politely but firmly back off. These will pass as swiftly as they arose.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

Many signs are experts at the art of telling the ‘white lie’, that is saying something that isn’t exactly truthful but isn’t hurtful. In fact, its objective is to be kind or avoid hurt feelings. Still, certain crucial issues require that you, and others, be scrupulously honest. While it’s always wise, it’s now vital.