

There are differences of opinion. Discussing these adds a vital excitement to all forms of relationships. Yet currently you’re facing a situation in which the individual in question is inflexible and, worse, tolerates neither questions nor discussion. This may involve somebody else but, in one particular situation, that individual could be you. Whatever the case, note this and make a deliberate effort to be open to others and, as much, to ideas you unthinkingly reject.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Others seem determined to turn ideas in to plans and, in some cases, to turn those plans into action. Ironically, while you’re usually the one who’s eager to get going, you’re hesitant. That’s wise. What currently seem merely unsettled situations could turn into bigtime changes, and as early as next week.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Tempting as it is to sidestep issues you think are likely to boil over into a real battle, they aren’t going to vanish. Worse, the longer you wait to deal with these, the more complications you’ll face. Unappealing as the idea of tackling these now may be, it’s by far the best option.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

While your ruler Mercury doesn’t actually begin its cycle of retrograde, or reverse, movement until the 26th, you’re better off regarding the plans you make now as flexible. Besides, this ensures you’ll be able to cope with the intense and often unexpected twists and turns currently coming your way.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Not only would the changes you’re discussing be disruptive to your own life, a certain amount of fallout is unavoidable. That is, those decisions will inevitably influence those around you, some of whom have no interest in changing anything. Despite that, they owe it to themselves to at least consider the possibility.

Leo July 22 – August 22

For ages you’ve been battling potential changes you regard as being unwelcome, if not disruptive. And, so far, you’ve been successful. Actually, these are quite the reverse. They’re exactly what’s needed. You’ll learn this next week, when your ruler the Sun’s link with Uranus indicates these aren’t just likely, they’re unavoidable.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Be aware that you’re in the midst of a tricky period during which seemingly minor debates could turn into lengthy and, often, unproductive, arguments. While you can’t make certain changes without talking them over, keep those conversations short and to the point, and you should be able to avoid any such dramas.

Libra September 23 – October 22

Facts may be exactly that, facts. Still, long ago you learnt that sometimes your instincts can be far more reliable than even seemingly solid information. Not only is this the case in several situations, some give you a strong sense breakthroughs are in the air. Those feelings aren’t just right, they’re trustworthy.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

For you, as a Scorpio, in any relationship, trust is paramount. Obviously, you have to deal with people who, quite simply, aren’t trustworthy. The secret is to recognise that, and approach any discussions accordingly. Forget about wishing they were different. This clarity ends debates and avoids confusion about what to say to whom.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

After weeks of endless practical or business matters or untangling others’ problems, or perhaps all of these, you need a break. And you’ll get it, but not right away. A few more of those tedious tasks remain. Then once the Sun moves to accent breakthroughs, on the 22nd, everything will change, possibly overnight.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

You don’t think of yourself as being somebody who rebuffs advice or offers of support. But it seems that’s what you’ve just done, and without a thought. Review recent discussions or encounters and you’ll soon realise when and where this took place. There’s still time to turn that refusal into a ‘yes’.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Long ago you learnt that just because you regard somebody as a friend, that doesn’t mean you like to do the same things. Yet, occasionally, in your enthusiasm about a particular activity or place, you forget. That seems to be the case now. The solution? Don’t even try to persuade them to join you.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

It’s only when situations require focus that you realise how much you expect of others. But not everybody cares as much about getting things right as you do. Accept that, and you’ll stop trying to find a way to inspire the individuals in question and will, instead, simply tell them what you want.