Born in France to a Tunisian father and a Moroccan mother, Boulabiar faced numerous challenges, including diverse weather conditions and difficult terrains during his trek. Image Credit: SPA

Dubai: French traveller Mohammed Boulabiar has completed an extraordinary eight-month trek on foot, covering over 8,000km from Paris to Medina through 13 countries to perform Umrah and visit the Two Holy Mosques in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) caught up with Boulabiar in the courtyards of the Prophet’s Mosque just hours after he reached Medina, marking a significant milestone in his journey, which will continue to Mecca.

Born in France to a Tunisian father and a Moroccan mother, Boulabiar faced numerous challenges, including diverse weather conditions and difficult terrains during his trek.

He recounted the journey’s obstacles, including extreme weather changes. “I departed in the summer and arrived in the spring, passing through autumn and winter, enduring storms and thunder. At one stage, a snowstorm at the Greek border delayed my trip by a week,” he said.

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Despite the harsh temperatures, reaching around 40°C, Boulabiar’s spirits remained high. “I am overjoyed to be here. It has been my dream since childhood to visit Medina after Mecca. Upon arriving here, my eyes filled with tears. I am elated to meet the Saudi people,” he added.

Boulabiar also highlighted the warm reception he received throughout his journey, with many locals offering food, drink, and accommodation.

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Boulabiar’s journey began on August 27, 2023, at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. His route included Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and Jordan, before finally entering Saudi Arabia.

“I walked throughout my journey, following the map and carrying essential provisions weighing 25 kilograms, including food and a tent for sleeping and resting,” he explained, adding that he occasionally spent nights at mosques or with hospitable individuals who opened their homes to him.

The inspiration for this pilgrimage stemmed from a lifelong desire and two years of preparation to enhance his physical capabilities and cultivate a love for long-distance walking. Boulabiar planned the route and prepared himself both mentally and physically for this spiritual odyssey. Concluding his recount, Boulabiar emphasized the profound personal and spiritual significance of his journey.

“I have always harbored a desire to undertake this journey. I yearned to arrive in Mecca on foot, emulating the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his companions,” he said.