Dubai: The Government of the UAE, in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF), on Sunday launched the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Protocol, an initiative that will establish a regulatory framework for the tools and technologies that are already driving the next wave of human progress.

At the same time, the government has launched the UAE Centre for Future Readiness to develop programmes and policies that help prepare government agencies for the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Both were announced on the final day of the second Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils (AMGFC) in Dubai.

The 4IR protocol includes three main pillars: providing an integrated and secure data environment; formulating the policies and legislation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), and building a unified system of values and ethics to guide 4IR technologies.

Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, the Minister of Cabinet Affairs and The Future and Co-chair of the Global Future Councils, said that the Fourth Industrial Revolution Protocol not only consolidates the UAE government’s efforts to adopt 4IR tools and technologies, but demonstrates its commitment to addressing the moral and ethical concerns surrounding them.

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s unprecedented technological capabilities require us to change the mechanisms that govern the work of vital sectors.”

The Protocol will also establish a massive integrated data environment to simulate the Fourth Industrial Revolution, allowing experts to meet its challenges through extensive data sharing and artificial intelligence. At the same time, it will work to ensure privacy for the community and contribute to human happiness by instilling values and ethics into technological advances. It will also work to address the inherent challenges new technologies bring to identify and combat negative effects that may affect humankind.

“The UAE Centre for Future Readiness will play a key role in supporting governments across the region and the world,” Al Gergawi said, “as well as to train and equip future leaders, honing their skills and tailoring them to meet the rapid changes taking place around the world. The Centre seeks to embed innovation and scientific research into the very fabric of organisations operating within strategic sectors. Moreover, it reflects the leading role that the UAE Government plays in promoting future-readiness across the world,”

The meeting also discussed the likely effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, proposing solutions to the challenges that come along with it, and looking into the most promising technological advances across various sectors, including: the future of philanthropy; food security; innovation and entrepreneurship; international trade and investment; cybersecurity; the Internet; cities; transportation; global governance; global security; production; the Fourth Industrial Revolution; artificial intelligence and robotics; energy; computing; education; quality of life; space travel; the environment; and biotechnology.