Let’s admit it, we are all or have been addicted to our smartphones at some point in our lives. I personally use the word ”have been” with considerable pride because there was a time when the phosphorescent glow of my smartphone used to fuel my constant need for more news, updates and trying to fight the ultimate battle against boredom.

We live in an age where the morning newspaper is replaced by our phones. We have access to data from all over the world but to hold a meaningful conversation with a friend seems to be tiresome. The slightest vibration from our phone and we are magically transported in to a digital world where no relations exist.

I miss the days when my friends and I used to argue for hours over a cup of tea. Today such an argument would end in less than 60 seconds with Google having the final say.

We fail to enjoy the beauty and blessings in life because we are too wrapped in our smartphones. A few years ago, you could make a perfectly innocent conversation with a stranger at a bus stop just by asking the time and today, nobody wears a watch, and I wonder why.

So when was the last time you switched off the phone?

You will experience some withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and short term fidgetiness but believe me, the final liberating experience is worth more than your 11th whatsapp chat for today.

A few steps that can help you along the way includes keeping the phone in your handbag on ‘silent’ mode. Use your brain to make decisions and not some search engine. Declutter your phone from time to time, ask yourself whether you really need those 100+ apps. And last but not the least you do have a watch, so why not use it instead of pulling out your phone?

As some wise person once aptly said: “Life is what happens to you while you’re looking at your smartphone.” So make a promise to yourself not to let the smartscreen get in the way of living a more fulfilling life!