Rebels wave a Kingdom of Libya flag as they ride on a tank on the outskirts of Ajdabiyah, on the road leading to Brega, on Wednesday. The flag, which was used when Libya gained independence from Italy in 1951, is being seen as a symbol of resistance against Muammar Gaddafi in the recent protests Image Credit: Reuters

Benghazi: Splits appear to have emerged among the military leaders of the rebellion against the Gaddafi regime in Libya, Gulf News has learned.

In pictures: Unrest in Libya
The many faces of Gaddafi

The military council that was formed by on March 1 appears to have moved to sideline top military ranks, choosing instead to capitalise on the youth factor of the rebellion that has claimed eastern Libya.

A source close to top military figures has told Gulf News that the high ranking figures are unwilling to accept a decision by the military council to exclude those above the rank of colonel “to preserve the youthful nature of the revolution”.

The council consists of 14 members, representing military police, intelligence, air forces, air defense and electronic support, naval forces, special forces, technical affairs, logistics and supplies, and other branches.

The move appears to have been taken to distance the revolution from those considered to be the “old guard”.

A major general, one of the top figures in the rebellion leadership, said the high ranking military figures would not accept being cornered.

”They have risked their lives by turning their backs on Gaddafi. They can’t afford not be kept out of such an important council. They’re being cornered and will feel vulnerable,” said the source.

The council is tasked with providing security for the citizens and the capturing of the rest of Libya through coordination with other military councils in captured cities and towns.

”If this leads to a split, the revolution could fail. The high ranking officials will not accept being excluded. I expect the issue to be resolved in the next few days, but if it does not there could be a clash,” said the source.