
Gomukhasana is recommended for diabetics because it stimulates the pancreas and is excellent for inducing relaxation.

The stretch provided by this asana releases tension in the shoulders and upper chest, and encourages deeper diaphragmatic breathing.

The nadis in the legs and the nadis connected with the reproductive organs and glands are also influenced, thus regulating the hormonal secretions.


• Sit in dhyana veerasana — the right knee is directly above the left knee as shown. The spine, back and neck should be upright.

• Place the right arm over the right shoulder and the left arm behind the back.

• Try and clasp the fingers behind the back. If you can’t clasp the fingers, use a towel to bring hands closer

• The spine, back and neck should be upright. Close your eyes, and breathe normally.

• Stay in this position for a minute. Unclasp the hands, straighten the legs.

• Repeat on the other side.


• Reduces tiredness, tension and anxiety

• Alleviates cramps in the legs and makes the leg muscles supple

•Relieves backache, sciatica, rheumatism and general stiffness in the shoulders and neck.

Caution: Those with frozen shoulder or leg injury should practise only under guidance