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1 Avoid toxic people

Toxic people are a number one energy-drainer, says Tony Schwartz, performance coach and co-author of The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy Not Time (Free Press). If people in your life complain, judge, criticise or just generally bring you down, stay away from them. If you can't avoid them (perhaps they're a family member), then limit your exposure. "Negative sentiments are contagious; treat complaining like a virus," says Schwartz. "Surround yourself with positive, upbeat people instead and feel the energy surge."

2 Become fully engaged

Schwartz says the newest life secret is the power of full engagement. That means being 100 per cent present, eager and fully engaged in every task we accomplish. "Divide your life into all its aspects and practice being more engaged in each one," says Schwartz. "Practice being emotionally connected, mentally focused, physically energised and spiritually aligned in all aspects of your life. Full engagement is the key to high performance."

3 Create a complaint-free zone

Don't listen to it and don't do it - complaining will also get you down. Schwartz recommends defusing your own negative emotions - feelings such as impatience, irritability, anxiety and insecurity will all drain your energy. "The more we take responsibility for our own energy, the more empowered and productive we become," says Schwartz. "The more we blame others or external circumstances, the more negative and comprised our energy is likely to be."

4 Write a bliss list

Give yourself special treats and you'll have more energy, says Maryam Webster, author of Everyday Bliss for Busy Women (New Harbinger). She suggests starting a list of simple things that make you feel wonderful and nurtured - sliding tired feet into a warm bath, snuggling a pet, eating a perfectly ripened peach. Take time to enjoy them. "Starting small is essential," claims Webster. "A whole day at the spa, relaxing as it may be, will make bliss difficult to achieve on a daily basis." Once you have your list, make one of the items your priority everyday. "It is possible in even the most hectic schedule to enjoy life. This allows energy to be replenished moment by moment."

5 Develop practical, positive habits

Many seemingly trivial things will affectyour energy levels - skipping breakfast, thetiff with your partner, overdue bills, a messy living space - are just some everyday events that will drain your energy. Take control of your life in a practical way. Respect your health, surround yourself with supportive relationships, pay your bills on time and spend a few minutes each day tidying up - to not only avoid clutter but also to prevent the stress of trying to locate something misplaced. A few small habits can go a long wayin restoring energy.

6 Tackle the tough stuff first

Every night, identify the most important challenge, or the thing you dread doing most the following day. Then make it your first priority for the next morning. Just getting it done will lift you up and you will feel such a sense of accomplishment that you can tackle your other, more fun tasks with renewed vigour.

7 Eat well

Top up your tank with regular meals to keep blood sugar, insulin and stress hormones like cortisol stable, says Dubai nutritionist Belinda Rennie. "Eat breakfast, lunch and a lighter evening meal containing a balance of wholegrains, pulses, protein and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Snack on fruit and nuts. This equals three meals and one or two snacks," says Rennie. Coffee and colas are not meal replacers but energy robbers along with sugar and fatty foods. The best energy boosters are whole, unprocessed foods, organicif possible.

8 Make a not to-do list

Dubai life coach Yasemin Demirtas says, "Most of what we do (80 per cent) has trivial results. A little of what we do really matters (20 per cent). So if we fully focus on the all-important 20 per cent we can get the results we want - leaving us to enjoy the remaining 80 per cent of time - to do what we want with the people that are most important to us." In other words, prioritise. Chuck your to-do list, figure out what's really important and free up your time by making a not to-do list instead.

9 Nip it in the bud

Learn to recognise signs of imminent flagging energy - perhaps it's a certain time of day you may feel a dip in energy levels, experience difficulty concentrating and feel restless. Nip it in the bud early. Demirtas suggests taking time out to just breathe. "Sit quietly and take a few deep breaths. This automatically brings us into the present, makes us more mindful and boosts waning energy."

10 Check your motives

Develop a high level of awareness andself-consciousness, suggests Demirtas. "Notice what is driving us when we do something.The two things that motivate us are usuallyour values or our fears. When we act on our values we feel satisfied, refreshed and fulfilled. When we act out of guilt, obligation or fear we often feel angry, resentful and drained of energy. Become aware of what drives you and where possible manage your energy by acting on your values, not your fears." A