

As a canny, and perceptive Scorpio, you’ve undoubtedly already noticed that not only do others seem to want to do things for you, events are going your way, often as the result of remarkable but welcome changes in circumstances. This is exciting but makes you feel vulnerable, and that you’ve less control over your own life. Actually, that’s true. In being receptive, you are vulnerable. Reflecting on this now will enable you to embrace even more good fortune in the future.

Aries March 20 – April 18

Certain individuals didn’t just annoy you. Their words or actions crossed a line and, because of that, you’ve been unable even to discuss the issue in question. Now that your ruler Mars has moved to accent these relationships. However, you’ll find you’re in the mood and frame of mind to talk things over.

Taurus April 19 – May 19

Don’t be surprised if you’re unusually on edge, if not emotional. This is the influence of Tuesday’s unsettling yet rewarding Taurus Full Moon. True, this isn’t for some days yet. However, because it’s in your sign, both changes in circumstance and the heightened feelings you’re experiencing will be more powerful.

Gemini May 20 – June 19

Looking back on the past couple of weeks, since your ruler Mercury moved to accent practical matters, you’ll realise how much you’ve accomplished. True, it wasn’t necessarily fun and, in fact, was often seriously dull. Happily, its shift to accent relationships won’t just be far more interesting, it could also be hugely rewarding.

Cancer June 20 – July 21

Life will be a lot easier when you’re able to rethink, and then reorganise, certain increasingly burdensome day to day obligations. Tempting as it is to begin now, it would only complicate matters. Wait until later in the month, when the New Moon brings timely insights about the necessary changes.

Leo July 22 – August 21

Although you’ve done all you can to avoid making changes in elements of your domestic or working life, events are forcing your hand. Actually, this is timely, since familiar as certain arrangements are, they’re actually complicating your life. Once you make those changes, you’ll realise just how much.

Virgo August 22 – September 21

While you have plenty of reasons to justify changes you want make, but which you know others object to, there’s no need to discuss things further. Tempting as it is to try to win them over, it’s probably pointless. The less fuss you make about what you’re doing, the easier it will be for everybody.

Libra September 22 – October 21

Now that your ruler Venus is accenting the structure of your life, that is, your activities out in the world and at home, the time has come to make a few pivotal decisions. Pressing as these seem, there’s no real hurry. In fact with Venus there until mid-December, you’ve plenty of time.

Scorpio October 22 – November 20

As a discreet Scorpio, you’re superb at getting things done, even if others disagree with your plans. Often, in fact, those who’ve objected most are unaware that the arrangements they found so upsetting have been made, and without them noticing. Obviously, this is how you’ll need to approach certain contentious matters.

Sagittarius November 21 – December 20

It wasn’t that you actually decided to ignore certain practical, business or financial problems as much as you regarded them as being of little significance. At the time, they were. But things have changed and now these not only require your attention, you’ve no choice but to deal with them swiftly.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Certain individuals are cutting back on their schedules in a way you wish were possible in your own life. Those changes are leaving gaps in your timetable, ones you’re tempted to fill. Think twice about that. You might be better off devoting that time to those you care about most.

Aquarius January 20 – February 18

As of last Wednesday, the courageous Mars moved into Aquarius. It take two years to go around all twelve signs, which means a lot has changed in your life and your world since it was last in your sign. Be ready, therefore, for a major review and, equally, major, and exciting, changes.

Pisces February 19 – March 19

You haven’t been secretive, either about your feelings about certain arrangements and individuals, or your intentions. Yet somebody insists you’ve been concealing vital information, and facts of importance to them. Actually, they’ve ignored your words. They do this with everybody, not just you. Simply tell them what they need to know.