Beauty sleep. Image Credit: Corbis

Dubai: Do you often fail to get enough sleep? You could be at an increased risk of breast cancer, according to medical professionals.

In recent years, a lack of sleep has been associated not just with obesity, diabetes, stroke and heart disease but with cancer too.

Stress, illness, and drug treatments can all stop adults getting the necessary seven to eight hours of sleep, according to the Dubai branch of the London Sleep Centre clinic.

On a biological level, lack of sleep can increase inflammation and disrupt normal immune function — both of which may promote cancer development.

Sleep also produces melatonin, a hormone linked to the body’s internal clock.

Women who sleep less than six hours a night could be raising the risk of breast cancer by more than 60 per cent, according to the clinic.

Sleep deprivation hampers release of melatonin, allowing levels of oestrogen, the main female sex hormone. Too much oestrogen is known to promote the growth of breast cancers.

The number of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the UAE has gone up by 20 per cent over a six-year period, according to a Dubai Health Authority study released last year.

If cancer is diagnosed, more sleep is more key than ever, according to Dr Irshaad Ebrahim, the clinic’s medical director.

“There is increasing evidence that by optimising sleep in patients with cancer, we can improve long-term quality of life, survival rates and a better response to treatment,” Ebrahim said.

“By improving sleep quantity and importantly sleep quality, we can reduce the incidence of depression in cancer patients and improve their quality and quantity of life.”


Tips for good night’s rest


With October marking Breast Cancer Awareness month, here are nine tips for a good night’s rest, as laid out by the London Sleep Centre Dubai:


1. Wake up and go to bed the same time every day.

2. Do not nap in the afternoon if you intend to complete your 7-8 hours of sleep cycle during the night.

3. Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol at least 4-6 hours before bed.

4. Don’t exercise at least 4 hours before bedtime.

5. Develop sleep rituals, such as listening to relaxing music, reading something soothing for 15 minutes and having a cup of caffeine-free tea.

6. Have a light snack before bed: Good options include yoghurt, skimmed milk or cherry juice.

7. Practise relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.

8. Indulge in stimulus control, which involves limiting time awake in bed and viewing the bed only as a place for sleep.

9. Ensure sleep hygiene, such as avoiding heavy meals and television before bed.