With regards to the increased violence in the Middle East and the graphic images that are circulating on social media, I am undecided whether such images are necessary to show the horrors of war. On one hand, I do believe that it is vital to show such brutal images in order to convey the message of the reality of some people in order to raise global awareness. However, I definitely believe that there should be a limit because the truth is that these images are images of someone’s son or daughter, sister or brother, wife or husband. So, out of respect and privacy, I believe that certain images should be kept away from the public or at least censored in order to prevent recognising the person. However, the implication of posting such images also raises an important question: where do we draw the line? And how do we decide on sensitivity? The importance of bearing these questions in mind is because what is brutal and sensitive to me, might not even affect you. News agencies and individuals need to think twice on this matter in order to protect people involved from being exposed in the wrong way. It is definitely a matter that needs to be raised, if not, we wouldn’t be touched by the brutality nor would we think of reposting or uploading any of these images. We may not be able to save lives or put an end to their misery, but we can definitely help spread the awareness to all corners of the world! But don’t forget to think twice and ask yourself: am I being sensitive and respectful to the victims?