People have spit betel leaves on a corner in Bur Dubai. Image Credit: Neola Castelino


A lot of people have raised this issue, but there seems to be no change in people’s attitudes. I’m referring to littering in public places, which is hazardous to our health.

A few days ago, my family and I were on the sidewalk of a busy and crowded street in Bur Dubai. Suddenly I saw a corner that was full of betel leaf stains and they were very close to the entrance of a boutique.

Spitting of betel leaves, which contains saliva and a red liquid, in public places is not allowed. It makes the surroundings look very dirty, especially when done in clear view such as close to a shop’s entrance, office areas or market places. These individuals are not bothered about the public’s health or hygiene standards of the community.

Tiny insects can be seen sitting around the stains and the same insects will then fly around to nearby cafeterias, groceries and open food stores. This is very dangerous because the saliva may contain many contagious diseases, which may spread in the community. So, they’re not just polluting the environment but also causing people to fall ill.

The reader is a pupil based in Sharjah.

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