The primary objective of this endeavor is to fortify marine biodiversity by rejuvenating damaged coral reefs and providing new habitats for a plethora of marine species. Image Credit: Screenshot

Dubai: Oman has commenced work on its first underwater museum by deploying retired military equipment beneath the waves to construct an artificial reef, the Environment Agency of Oman (EO) has announced.

The primary objective of this endeavor is to fortify marine biodiversity by rejuvenating damaged coral reefs and providing new habitats for a plethora of marine species.

Anticipated to become a haven for a diverse array of marine life, the underwater museum offers a creative solution to safeguard and enrich the marine ecosystem.

Moreover, it stands as a unique tourist attraction, beckoning divers and travellers alike to partake in an unparalleled experience, all while alleviating stress on natural coral reefs in the vicinity, particularly in the Daymaniyat Islands Nature Reserve.

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This initiative forms a crucial component of the Environment Agency’s commitment to conserving and enhancing Oman’s extensive marine environment, recognized as indispensable for both ecological sustainability and economic prosperity.

Furthermore, by introducing an innovative and environmentally conscious destination that aligns with principles of sustainable tourism, the project aims to bolster Oman’s tourism sector.